Theater in der Josefstadt Vienna – Tickets

Theater in der Josefstadt

The Theater in der Josefstadt - with more than 350,000 visitors and more than 700 performances per season - is one of the most successful theaters of German Theater landscape. Ferdinand Raimund and Johann Nestroy played here, Johann Strauss conducted. In 1924 Max Reinhardt rebuild the Josefstadt - opportunities provided by a red damask, gold jewelry and Venetian chandeliers pomp space for the presence of escape. This architectural gem is now working under director Herbert Föttinger a for the contemporary theater bound team at premieres and first and contemporary interpretations.
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© Theater in der Josefstadt
Right now I was a shooter and now I'm a janitor in a theater...
Habjans im Solo bewältigte Lebensgeschichte des Friedrich Zawrel, im Nazi-Österreich vom "sachverständigen" Anstaltsarzt gefoltert, der ihm in der spät eren Republik wieder amtlich begegnete und erneut wegsperrte, ist geniales Puppenspiel für eine Ge schichte, die wohl keine andere Sparte so stimmig bewältigen könnte...
© Theater in der Josefstadt
Goldoni's ability to bring the character and language of his characters to the stage in their relationship while at the same time doing justice to his personal standards of truth and naturalness makes his comedies still interesting today. With Giacinta, a thoroughly modern, independent woman who takes her life into her own hands, Goldoni has created one of his most fascinating female characters for the stage.
© Theater in der Josefstadt
Goldoni's ability to bring the character and language of his characters to the stage in their relationship while at the same time doing justice to his personal standards of truth and naturalness makes his comedies still interesting today. With Giacinta, a thoroughly modern, independent woman who takes her life into her own hands, Goldoni has created one of his most fascinating female characters for the stage.
© Theater in der Josefstadt
Oh shame, I am a misanthrope and end up in a love that has no end.
© Theater in der Josefstadt
Oh shame, I am a misanthrope and end up in a love that has no end.
In this work commissioned for the Theater in der Josefstadt, the playwright Thomas Arzt creates a picture of the Austrian interwar period that is both bloody and poetic.
© Theater in der Josefstadt
In this work commissioned for the Theater in der Josefstadt, the playwright Thomas Arzt creates a picture of the Austrian interwar period that is both bloody and poetic.
Habjans im Solo bewältigte Lebensgeschichte des Friedrich Zawrel, im Nazi-Österreich vom "sachverständigen" Anstaltsarzt gefoltert, der ihm in der spät eren Republik wieder amtlich begegnete und erneut wegsperrte, ist geniales Puppenspiel für eine Ge schichte, die wohl keine andere Sparte so stimmig bewältigen könnte...
Right now I was a shooter and now I'm a janitor in a theater...
Oh shame, I am a misanthrope and end up in a love that has no end.
In this work commissioned for the Theater in der Josefstadt, the playwright Thomas Arzt creates a picture of the Austrian interwar period that is both bloody and poetic.
© Theater in der Josefstadt
Oh shame, I am a misanthrope and end up in a love that has no end.
In this work commissioned for the Theater in der Josefstadt, the playwright Thomas Arzt creates a picture of the Austrian interwar period that is both bloody and poetic.
Right now I was a shooter and now I'm a janitor in a theater...
In this work commissioned for the Theater in der Josefstadt, the playwright Thomas Arzt creates a picture of the Austrian interwar period that is both bloody and poetic.
Right now I was a shooter and now I'm a janitor in a theater...
Right now I was a shooter and now I'm a janitor in a theater...