Kammerspiele Vienna - Schedule, Program & Tickets


Herbert Föttinger has the more than 100 years old Kammerspiele since 2006 positioned as a contemporary city comedy, are listed on the predominantly modern authors discuss the socially relevant topics with humor, irony and lightness. An unbroken crowd magent are the Kammerspiele in Vienna's city center. The chic Stage aesthetics matches the vibrant life of the City. Crowd favorites and stars from TV, cabaret and film you can join live in intimate, in the experience 440 seats prehensive Theater.
Mo 19:30
Die Affäre Rue de Lourcine

- Not available -

© Kammerspiele Wien
Deutsch von Elfriede Jelinek

Es passiert selbst den Besten von uns: Da trinkt man mal ein Gläschen zu viel und am nächsten Morgen hat sich die halbe Welt gegen einen verschworen…
© Kammerspiele
Die Menschen glauben lieber, als nicht zu glauben. Glauben Sie mir.
Based on the film "Un profil pour deux" by Stéphane Robelin
Ein Mann geht kaputt, wenn er niemanden hat. Egal wen, Hauptsache er hat jemanden. Er wird sonst einsam und er wird krank
SHE says:
I put my hands against his chest. I said,
“no, not.”

HE says:
At no point did she clearly and unambiguously say “no” to any action.
SHE says:
I put my hands against his chest. I said,
“no, not.”

HE says:
At no point did she clearly and unambiguously say “no” to any action.
SHE says:
I put my hands against his chest. I said,
“no, not.”

HE says:
At no point did she clearly and unambiguously say “no” to any action.
Die Menschen glauben lieber, als nicht zu glauben. Glauben Sie mir.