Der Raub der Sabinerinnen - Schedule, Program & Tickets

Der Raub der Sabinerinnen

Professor Gollwitz, a small-town high school professor struggling with financial and domestic worries, has succumbed to his secret passion for theater. When the theater director Striese happened to be visiting the city with his traveling theater troupe, he found out that the professor was hiding the play THE ROBBER OF THE SABINE WOMEN in a drawer from his wife. The Schreientheater director Striese, who is quick-witted in all situations, elicits the stroke of genius from the author, who initially refuses, and prepares its performance. Before the play sees the light of day, the professor's wife returns unexpectedly from the spa, and the family catastrophe with impending embarrassment takes its course.

In 1883, Franz and Paul von Schönthan created a theatrical monument with their comedy about the Roman tragedy and its captivating characters, which went down in history. The theater director Striese was supported by many famous film and theater actors, e.g. Albert Bassermann, Rudolf Platte, Gustav Knuth, Gert Fröbe, Willy Millowitsch, Katharina Thalbach, Fritz Muliar and most recently at the Burgtheater (1975) by Paul Hoffmann. With pointed misunderstandings and many mix-ups, DER RUB DER SABINERinnen is still considered an unconditional declaration of love for the theater today.

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Su 19:00
Der Raub der Sabinerinnen

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