Akademietheater Vienna – Schedule, Program & Tickets


Designed by the architects Fellner & Hellmer and Ludwig Baumann and built between 1911 and 1913, the Akademietheater has been the Burgtheater’s second venue since 1922. After many years of requests from ensemble members of the Burgtheater who wanted a second stage of more intimate dimensions, Max Paulsen succeeded in affiliating the “Theatre of the Academy of Music and the Performing Arts”, for brevity 's sake called Akademietheater, to the Burgtheater as a smaller, second venue. It was inaugurated on September 8, 1922, with a performance of Goethe’s Iphigenia in Tauris. After the Second World War, which the building survived intact, the theatre was re-opened on May 19, 1945, under the direction of Raoul Aslan with Ibsen’s Hedda Gabler. The Akademietheater was refurbished and technically upgraded in 1974 and in 1999.
Fr 19:30
Manhattan Project

- Not available -

© Akademietheater Wien
Robert J. Oppenheimer wird 1942 mit der Leitung des Manhattan Projects betraut, dessen Aufgabe es ist, die Kernspaltung militärisch nutzbar zu machen
Die Lehrerin Astrid und ihre ehemalige Schülerin Klara leben schon seit vielen Jahren zusammen. Eines Abends bekommen sie Besuch von Wolfram, Astrids Vorgesetztem
Professor Gollwitz, a small-town high school professor struggling with financial and domestic worries, has succumbed to his secret passion for theater. When the theater director Striese happened to be visiting the city with his traveling theater troupe, he found out that the professor was hiding the play THE ROBBER OF THE SABINE WOMEN in a drawer from his wife. The Schreientheater director Striese, who is quick-witted in all situations, elicits the stroke of genius from the author, who initially refuses, and prepares its performance. Before the play sees the light of day, the professor's wife returns unexpectedly from the spa, and the family catastrophe with impending embarrassment takes its course.
Director Lucia Bihler translates this iconic parable into a series of transformation phases that address questions about loneliness, loss of trust, powerlessness and the urge to survive in today's world. In this way, she approaches the story of the modern prodigy Franz Kafka, who was born in Prague in 1883 and died in Kierling, near Vienna, in 1924, a century ago, in a pictorial, very physical way.
Österreichische Erstaufführung

1940 kam Charlie Chaplins Filmklassiker DER GROßE DIKTATOR über den Größenwahn Adolf Hitlers in die Kinos, in dem der populärste Komiker seiner Zeit zu Beginn des Zweiten Weltkrieges ein humanistisches Statement machte
nach den Romanen von Ágota Kristóf
Deutsch von Eva Moldenhauer und Erika Tophoven
Director Lucia Bihler translates this iconic parable into a series of transformation phases that address questions about loneliness, loss of trust, powerlessness and the urge to survive in today's world. In this way, she approaches the story of the modern prodigy Franz Kafka, who was born in Prague in 1883 and died in Kierling, near Vienna, in 1924, a century ago, in a pictorial, very physical way.
Goethe wrote the first version of his humanistic drama as a secret legion councilor on a trip to recruit recruits for the Weimar army. Even today, his call for dialogue and justice is far removed from everyday political reality. But Goethe suggests how the world-determining pendulum movement between murder and retaliation could be ended and counters the cycle of violence with the possibility of a processual change in the world.
Martin McDonagh German by Martin Molitor and Christian Seltmann
In einer Fassung von Tom Silkeberg, Deutsch von Melanie Walz und Ursel Allenstein
Dorian Gray succumbs to the desire for eternal youth after Lord Henry, a harbinger of today's selfishness, instills his hedonistic maxims into his head. The wish comes true in a magical way: from that day on, Dorian never ages anymore and thus becomes a living picture at the height of his youthful beauty, while the portrait that his friend Basil painted of him is marked more and more deeply by the progress of life becomes.
Österreichische Erstaufführung
Deutsch von Dirk van Gunsteren
Die Lehrerin Astrid und ihre ehemalige Schülerin Klara leben schon seit vielen Jahren zusammen. Eines Abends bekommen sie Besuch von Wolfram, Astrids Vorgesetztem
Ein Städtchen wie tausende andere: Ein korrupter Bürgermeister, Missstände in Gesundheitswesen, Justiz und Bildung, täglich wachsender Unmut der Bevölkerung
Ein Buch wie ein Traum, so wegweisend wie umstritten . Sigmund Freuds Großprojekt ist ebenso undurchdringlich wie die Seele, die es untersucht. Ein konfuser Wegweiser zu den Schauplätzen der Träume und damit zum Ich, wovon Träume laut Freud ausschliesslich handeln.
The two dandies Algernon and Jack love the double life. In order to reconcile vice and pleasure with their social obligations, both of them have made up lies: Algernon invents a sick friend named Bunbury so that he can visit him in the country as often as possible, and Jack pretends to take care of his brother Ernst having to come to town regularly.
Österreichische Erstaufführung
Deutsch von Dirk van Gunsteren
© Akademietheater
Simone ist eine erfolgreiche Elektroingenieurin und gerade von ihrer Geschäftsreise zurückgekehrt. Sie hat ein Geschenk für ihren Mann Erik dabei
Peer Gynt ist eine längst zum Mythos gewordene Theaterfigur – ein egozentrischer Träumer, Phantast, Lügner, ein Antiheld sowie eine Identifikationsfigur in einer irr gewordenen Welt, die jedes Maß verloren hat
Robert J. Oppenheimer wird 1942 mit der Leitung des Manhattan Projects betraut, dessen Aufgabe es ist, die Kernspaltung militärisch nutzbar zu machen
Österreichische Erstaufführung
Deutsch von Dirk van Gunsteren
The idyllic village of Maria Blut with its pilgrimage chapel is in the countryside, a few hours by train from Vienna. The 1930s have dawned, Dollfuss is Chancellor and the natives of “Austrian Lourdes” are in turmoil.
© Akademietheater Wien
In seinem berühmten Stück beschreibt Molière das Verhältnis eines selbstmitleidigen Hypochonders zu seinen geldgierigen Ärzten als eine für beide Seiten Gewinn bringende Symbiose