Salzburger Landestheater - Schedule, Program & Tickets
Salzburger Landestheater
The Salzburg State Theater is the leading and influential institution for the performing arts in the city and province of Salzburg. Under the roof of the theater, there are working four vibrant and profiled divisions operate opera, drama, ballet and the youth division "Young country together." In addition to modern and contemporary productions also the classical repertoire is thereby maintained in all areas ...
Sa 19:00
Der aufhaltsame Aufstieg des Arturo Ui - Premiere
Bertolt Brecht
Bertolt Brecht
- Not available -
Fr 19:30
Skiverliebt - Zwei Brettln, die die Welt bedeuten
Martin Lingnau / Frank Ramond / Anna Lukasser-Weitlaner
Martin Lingnau / Frank Ramond / Anna Lukasser-Weitlaner
- Not available -