Simply Quartet - Schedule, Program & Tickets

Simply Quartet

This is a 232-year-old masterpiece inspired by a highly influential and controversial play by Beaumarchais, which premiered five years before the French Revolution. In response to the strict censorship of the era, Mozart and Da Ponte tried to dampen the harsh social criticism of the French writer in their opera (even though it is still pretty obvious that the deleted content is still expressed through the score). Mozart intended to address much more than the issues of a particular era, his main interest lying in man itself, together with all its vices and aspirations. This explains why it is almost irrelevant where and when Figaro is rendered. Even after 232 years, every single sound and word is still valid. It is us, humans, who have stayed the same.

„Komische oper“, proclaims the musical score. Mozart’s genius lies in the fact that he skillfully combines the elements of opera buffa and opera seria. He is always ready to use comical gags with irresistible humour, while also readily conveying the tragedy of situations. This duality is expressed best in the figure of the Countess, whose character is almost entirely dramatic. Mozart expresses life itself in his music and his plays; the inescapable duality of tragedy and comedy. This production proposes to show nothing less.

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