Schlosskonzerte Mirabell - Schedule, Program & Tickets

Schlosskonzerte Mirabell



Price class:


30.03.2025 , Sunday



Schloss Mirabell, Marmorsaal, Mirabellplatz 4, 5020 Salzburg

The Marble Hall of Mirabell Palace is considered one of the most beautiful and historically most important concert halls in Salzburg and the world. Leopold Mozart has already played music here with his children Wolfgang and Nannerl. ...

Availability: In stock

Product Name Price Qty
Schlosskonzerte Mirabell (Kategorie 1)
Schlosskonzerte Mirabell (Kategorie 1 ermäßigt)
Schlosskonzerte Mirabell (Kategorie 2)
Schlosskonzerte Mirabell (Kategorie 2 ermäßigt)
*All prices including VAT, extra
For a breakdown of the total price see Price class B
Book by phone
The marble hall of Mirabell Palace is one of the most beautiful and historically significant concert halls in Salzburg and the world. Leopold Mozart has already played here with his children Wolfgang and Nannerl. And even today selected classical concerts with exceptional artists take place here. Renowned ensembles, soloists and chamber orchestras concertize the works of Mozart, his contemporaries and the great composers of baroque, classical and romantic music at a high level. A significant part of the concerts take place in "historical performance practice", that is, performed on original instruments from the Mozart era.

Mirabell Palace was built in 1606 by Prince Archbishop Wolf Dietrich as Altenau Palace for his beloved Salome Alt and then renamed "Mirabell" by his successor Markus Sittikus. "Mirabell" is made up of "mirabile" (admirable) and "bella" (beautiful). And with Mirabell Castle too
The beautiful baroque garden and the magnificent marble hall really deserve this name.

Due to renovations by the Salzburg City Council, the elevator will NOT be available between March 2nd and March 26th, 2020!

Subject to change.