Schloss Esterházy - Eisenstadt - Schedule, Program & Tickets
Schloss Esterházy - Eisenstadt
After the great success of the concert at the beginning of 2017 with Haydn's "The Creation", the concert series classic.Esterhazy, under the artistic direction of Andreas Richter, turns in 2018 to Joseph Haydn's second great oratorio, the "Seasons". Under the baton of Nicolas Altstaedt and outstanding soloists, the Haydn Philharmonic, the Esterházy Esterházy Residence Orchestra, will be the central pillar in the annual program classic.Esterhazy 2018. In 2018, at least one concert will be held each month at Esterházy Palace. Thus, the visually and acoustically unique historical halls - Haydnsaal and Empiresaal - are played all year round.
Sa 20:00
quartetto plus: Traumnovelle
Arthur Schnitzlers „Traumnovelle“ als musikalische Lesung
Arthur Schnitzlers „Traumnovelle“ als musikalische Lesung