Turandot - Schedule, Program & Tickets




Price class:


22.06.2025 , Sunday



Dresden, Semperoper, Theaterplatz 2, 01067 Dresden

It is a game of life and death initiated by the unapproachable Princess Turandot: Every applicant for her hand has to solve three riddles. If he fails, he will be executed. And no prince has yet been able to win her...

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Turandot (Kategorie 1)
Turandot (Kategorie 2)
Turandot (Kategorie 3)
Turandot (Kategorie 4)
Turandot (Kategorie 5)
Turandot (Kategorie 6)
*All prices including VAT, extra
For a breakdown of the total price see Price class B
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Dramma lirico in three actsText by Giuseppe Adami and Renato Simoni based on the play by Carlo Gozzi

Premiered October 7, 2023

In Italian with German and English surtitles

It is a game of life and death initiated by the unapproachable Princess Turandot: Every applicant for her hand has to solve three riddles. If he fails, he will be executed. And no prince has yet been able to win her. But Prince Calaf, who is unknown in the realm of Turandot, wants to risk it at any price. As he solves the riddles and claims his "prize", he meets a frightened woman who refuses the stranger - and now the princess is tormented, because she must find out the name of the prince to keep her freedom. Giacomo Puccini's last opera was left unfinished and premiered as a fragment in 1926; a multi-layered work of sound art of great emotional impact, musical blaze of color and unique in its musical color borrowed from Chinese melody. The French director Marie-Eve Signeyrole makes her debut at the Semperoper with the production of this operatic thriller.

Subject to change.