Ballet: Vice Versa - Premiere - Schedule, Program & Tickets

Ballet: Vice Versa - Premiere

Two-part ballet evening

Premiere June 28, 2025

Is movement dance or is dance movement? In the classic sense, Imre and Marne van Opstal see themselves not only as choreographers, but also as movement directors. The sibling couple's multi-layered and often surreal dance language is conquering the international dance scene. As guests of the Semperoper Ballett for the first time, the creative duo will create a premiere for the ensemble.

Just as her works incorporate the limits and possibilities of body and mind, in Noetic Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui examines the instinctive human need to structure, combined with the longing to break out of the rules. The beauty arising from cool clarity, harmonious, emotional music, Japanese drum sounds and a vocal soloist invite you to approach the big questions of humanity.

Premiere Noetic: March 8, 2014 GöteborgsOperans Danskompani

Subject to change.
Sa 19:00
Ballet: Vice Versa - Premiere