Classical Concerts Berlin - Program & Tickets

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© Friedrichstadt-Palast Berlin
You are the focus. He is young, full of passion and longing. But he doesn't fit into any mold. He finds no love in the petrified faces around him
New opera material for a new era – not only the avant-gardists were looking for that in the 1920s. Old master Richard Strauss went even further and not only brought a story from modern life to the stage, but also, barely disguised, his own married life
You are the focus. He is young, full of passion and longing. But he doesn't fit into any mold. He finds no love in the petrified faces around him
You are the focus. He is young, full of passion and longing. But he doesn't fit into any mold. He finds no love in the petrified faces around him
Music drama in one elevator
Music and libretto by Richard Strauss
based on the drama "Salome" by Oscar Wilde
You are the focus. He is young, full of passion and longing. But he doesn't fit into any mold. He finds no love in the petrified faces around him
Lyrical comedy in three acts
Poetry by Hugo von Hofmannsthal
First performance on July 1, 1933 in Dresden
You are the focus. He is young, full of passion and longing. But he doesn't fit into any mold. He finds no love in the petrified faces around him
You are the focus. He is young, full of passion and longing. But he doesn't fit into any mold. He finds no love in the petrified faces around him
New opera material for a new era – not only the avant-gardists were looking for that in the 1920s. Old master Richard Strauss went even further and not only brought a story from modern life to the stage, but also, barely disguised, his own married life
You are the focus. He is young, full of passion and longing. But he doesn't fit into any mold. He finds no love in the petrified faces around him
Lyrical comedy in three acts
Poetry by Hugo von Hofmannsthal
First performance on July 1, 1933 in Dresden
You are the focus. He is young, full of passion and longing. But he doesn't fit into any mold. He finds no love in the petrified faces around him
You are the focus. He is young, full of passion and longing. But he doesn't fit into any mold. He finds no love in the petrified faces around him
Mit seinen Sinfonischen Dichtungen wie „Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche“, „Ein Heldenleben“ und „Also sprach Zarathustra“ wurde Richard Strauss um 1900 zum international beachtetsten jungen deutschen Komponisten
You are the focus. He is young, full of passion and longing. But he doesn't fit into any mold. He finds no love in the petrified faces around him
Tragedy in an Elevator
Poetry by Hugo von Hofmannsthal
First performance on January 25, 1909 in Dresden
You are the focus. He is young, full of passion and longing. But he doesn't fit into any mold. He finds no love in the petrified faces around him
You are the focus. He is young, full of passion and longing. But he doesn't fit into any mold. He finds no love in the petrified faces around him
New opera material for a new era – not only the avant-gardists were looking for that in the 1920s. Old master Richard Strauss went even further and not only brought a story from modern life to the stage, but also, barely disguised, his own married life
You are the focus. He is young, full of passion and longing. But he doesn't fit into any mold. He finds no love in the petrified faces around him
You are the focus. He is young, full of passion and longing. But he doesn't fit into any mold. He finds no love in the petrified faces around him
You are the focus. He is young, full of passion and longing. But he doesn't fit into any mold. He finds no love in the petrified faces around him
You are the focus. He is young, full of passion and longing. But he doesn't fit into any mold. He finds no love in the petrified faces around him
Tragedy in an Elevator
Poetry by Hugo von Hofmannsthal
First performance on January 25, 1909 in Dresden
You are the focus. He is young, full of passion and longing. But he doesn't fit into any mold. He finds no love in the petrified faces around him
You are the focus. He is young, full of passion and longing. But he doesn't fit into any mold. He finds no love in the petrified faces around him
[The Barber of Seville]
Melodramma buffo in two acts
Libretto by Cesare Sterbini based on the play by Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais