Holiday on Ice - Schedule, Program & Tickets

Holiday on Ice

What a show!
With A NEW DAY, Holiday on Ice is celebrating a spectacular anniversary!

From 17.01. Holiday on Ice will be hosting a new, breathtaking show in the Wiener Stadthalle from January 28th, 2024, because the most popular ice show in the world is celebrating 80 magical years of Holiday on Ice!

A NEW DAY is the most artistically and technically complex show to date. What star director Francisco Negrin and his creative team have conjured up on the big ice stage this time sets completely new standards:

The exciting production combines the best figure skating in the world with a dramatic and at the same time loving story. Together with breathtaking acrobatics and world-famous songs, A NEW DAY creates a brilliant work of art.

Imagine a world without colors and feelings. In the anniversary show, Aurora, a female from such a colorless and joyless world, meets young Adam, who introduces her to the beauty of our colorful world. She hesitantly gathers courage and ventures into a great adventure in which mysterious forces want to pull her back into the past again and again. A dramatic hunt begins - and you're there live!

“A NEW DAY opens hearts and eyes to the unique gift of being able to live as a human being in this colorful world. I think now is the right time to remind ourselves of that,” said creative director Francisco Negrin.

Holiday on Ice celebrates 80 magical years

Every year Holiday on Ice creates new spectacular worlds on and above the ice for its audience. When a small, ambitious hotel show celebrated its Holiday on Ice premiere in Toledo, Ohio, in 1943, no one suspected that the spectacular show would begin its triumphal march around the world. Since then, the brand has made a name for itself worldwide. The concept is simple and brilliant: Holiday on Ice impresses with world-class figure skating, spectacular stage sets, imaginative costumes, high-end stage technology and rousing music.

Costume designers from the Lido, the Milanese Cola or Christian Dior, musicians like Phil Collins and Chris de Burgh – only the best of the best have been creating for Holiday on Ice for decades. And Holiday on Ice also looks back on a long, successful history in Austria: fashion czar Rudolph Moshammer exclusively developed a diamond dress for Holiday on Ice's 60th birthday, pop queen Sarah Connor recorded two songs for Holiday on Ice and figure skaters like Marika Kilius , Hans-Jürgen Bäumler, Robin Cousins, Katarina Witt and Tanja Szewczenko worked on the impressive Holiday on Ice shows.

After eight decades, Holiday on Ice can now look back on more than 60,000 performances worldwide on five continents with over 330 million visitors. The new show A NEW DAY is another milestone in the 80-year history!

“Holiday on Ice enjoys an impressive international reputation and creates a new world on ice every year in collaboration with established creatives. Innovation is what drives us to delight a discerning generation of viewers,” said Peter O’Keeffe, CEO of Holiday on Ice.

Subject to change.

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