We 19:30
„deutschen sprach sein ein kulturensprach / sein ein alt alt kulturensprach. deutschen literaturen sein ein kulturenliteraturen / ein ganz groß kulturenliteraturen.“
Director Stephan Kimmig stages Virginie Despentes' latest, eloquent and humorous epistolary novel about pretty much every currently relevant social debate: from #MeToo, hate on the Internet to class and sexual identity. A passionate, unabashed and yet conciliatory plea for the need to remain vulnerable and in dialogue with one another, despite all differences of opinion and possible hurt.
Director Luk Perceval is tackling a new, monumental Shakespearean undertaking 25 years after his spectacular BATTLES!, the legendary twelve-hour “Shakespeare Madness” (Die Zeit) at the Salzburg Festival, which brought together the eight royal dramas of the Wars of the Roses into one work: Shakespeare's Roman tragedies merged into a famous and complex work.
Director Stephan Kimmig stages Virginie Despentes' latest, eloquent and humorous epistolary novel about pretty much every currently relevant social debate: from #MeToo, hate on the Internet to class and sexual identity. A passionate, unabashed and yet conciliatory plea for the need to remain vulnerable and in dialogue with one another, despite all differences of opinion and possible hurt.
© Volkstheater Wien
"You can hug me. It will be beautiful, you'll see."