Dorian Gray - Schedule, Program & Tickets

Dorian Gray

Dorian Gray succumbs to the desire for eternal youth after Lord Henry, a harbinger of today's selfishness, instills his hedonistic maxims into his head. The wish comes true in a magical way: from that day on, Dorian never ages anymore and thus becomes a living picture at the height of his youthful beauty, while the portrait that his friend Basil painted of him is marked more and more deeply by the progress of life becomes. Dorian, blessed with beauty, becomes an image of a cursed man who hides the portrait - his true face - in the attic from the eyes of the world. The long-running Victorian hit THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY is tailor-made for our time: the cult of eternal youth could hardly be portrayed better, our taut Botox faces could not be better reflected than in the polished surface of this linguistic masterpiece.

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We 20:00
Dorian Gray